»We shape our dwellings, and afterwards our dwellings shape us.«

Sir Winston Churchill

Home Improvement is about making your desires and dreams come true within your own four walls. It is about creating your own personal retreat as well as designing an oasis of personal wellbeing with beautiful as well as sustainable furniture with useful functions.

We offer a wide range of crafted solid wood furniture as well as fine upholsteries all of European origin which will not only guarantee you a high level of eco-friendly wellbeing but also insure you a long-lasting enjoyment with our timeless Scandinavian designs and high standards in Quality.

Real natural living on over 1500 m²
Discover the whole variety in our show room:
Porschestraße 8 in Ludwigsburg
Phone: +49 7141 9925007

Scandinavian heritage meets genuine craftsmanship.

Our aspiration is tangible in every piece of our furniture collection and the many small decorative objects, all made from natural and sustainable materials, underline our love of beautiful and cosy living.

The group of suppliers working with us are mainly small and medium sized family-owned workshops who often for generations have been dedicated to their craft. Most of them have been working for two decades for us and they always have an open ear to any requests regarding custom build furniture.

»We are happy to welcome you in our inspiring showrooms where you will find a representative selection of our Scandinavian Natural living collections. Bring a little time with you to stroll around and enjoy this very unique collection of precious hand-crafted furniture and decorative objects. We will be happy to sit down with you and help you plan your future living space.«.


Sören Lindström
DAN NATURA Managing Director

All prices are ex DAN NATURA warehouse in Ludwigsburg and include German VAT. We will be happy to assist you in filling out the VAT return forms – if you are not a European citizen. Wherever you live, we will assist you with the shipping solution to transport your purchase to any destination worldwide. Our consulting service is of course free of charge and without obligation.

Noch mehr Inspiration für den wichtigsten Ort der Welt

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